Give a little thanks


Have you ever thanked the universe for the good things in your life?

I have, and it really has improved my mental health. I used to be down about everything in my life. I would look on the bad side of things. If something went wrong in my day the whole day would be ruined regardless of anything else that had happened. I could have had the best day, spending time with my children, eating good food, enjoying the experience we were having, and then one bad moment would spoil it all.

Now, if I’m feeling down, I write down a gratitude list. I don’t just write down what I’m grateful for, I write down the reason why I am grateful for it. This makes such a difference, otherwise it is just a list.

I also try and write different things whenever I do a gratitude list otherwise I will just be repeating the same things over and over again.

A gratitude journal is another way for you to give thanks to the universe for the good things in your life.

Here are some prompts that could help you journal:

  • What has happened today that you are grateful for?

  • Name someone or something that has made you smile today?

  • What small things in life make you happy?

  • When and why did you last say thank you?

I never used to be able to journal but over the last year I have been getting better. The more you try, the easier it becomes.

Lots of love

Debbie aka The Mindful Meerkat xx


Doing things differently


Looking after your mental health